Saturday, November 21, 2015

25 Most Popular Facebook Games

25 Most Popular Facebook Games

Now a days,  Facebook is and one of the reasons that makes it such a popular today is because of its most popular  mini games. People are fond of these games. Facebook has a good web-based platform, powerful APIs and a complete documentation that convenient the developers in building personalize applications.

Mini games in Facebook is undeniably fun to play but the main reason that makes it so addictive is because the users are connected to thousands of other Facebook users who are also playing the games. In another words, multi-player gaming with friends takes it to a whole new level of fun.  Having fun with these free games, people are enjoying. While playing these games, people are making a lot of friends online. So, we bring 25 most popular Facebook games. So, while reading and know about these facebook games, you will certainly make fun and get a good number of friends.

FarmVille  is a flash game having landscapes and cute characters. It is completely innovative and comes with an attractive and fascinating interface.

Developed by Playfish,  Word Challenge  game tests both your vocabulary and your thinking speed. 6 random characters are given to you, and you have to make a 3-6 letter word within limited time.

Texas Holdem Poker has been developed by by Zynga and it has become very popular mini game on Facebook.

Café World is the creation of Zynga. It is a classic restaurant theme on Facebook where the player has to run a restaurant with his close friends.

Treasure Isle is adventurous game. In this gameplay you can hunt for treasure by choosing the character in the game.

In this Mafia Wars game, it is about creation of Mafia. This game can be played with your Facebook friends.

In this Pet Ville Facebook game the player can create his own character, select a name for his pet and give it a home. The game is the creation of Zynga.

Happy Aquarium is well known facebook game. It is the biggest fish game on Facebook. It has over 28 million players who have made this game so popular.

Fish Ville

Fishville is also a facebook game and is very interesting Facebook aquarium game created by Zynga. As per the rules of the game, various types of fishes can be raised in a virtual fish tank.

Pet Society

It is a very interesting game where you can create your virtual pet and raise it. These pets are more like humans and they can go fishing or do shopping.

Zoo World

Zoo World is an amazing game. In this game, you can make a zoo and see it growing. If you can have more number of neighbors, you have opportunity to earn a lot of dollars and improve the zoo.

Restaurant City

For playing restaurant city, you will have to decorate a restaurant and then run it. Customer satisfaction is important in this game. So, you have to satisfy the customers who walk in to the restaurant and leave satisfied.

MindJolt Games

Mindjolt Games serves dual purpose. It is not only a game, but also a library that can grow for ever. While playing this game, you can pass your time with great enjoyment.

Hotel City

Hotel City is an amazing and interesting game. It has been developed by Playfish. This game is a mixer of old Sim Tower and the Restaurant city. In this game you can move around and get a more intense view of the hotel.

Social City

In this game Social City, one can make houses and increase population. You can create leisure buildings and keep them happy. You can find option of building factories and you can earn game coins by producing goods.


It is a marvelous 2D game where the Facebook users are able to work, play and chat in an animated world. One can decorate his home or adopt a pet virtually.

Happy Island

Happy Island game is on Vacation Island that players need to build themselves. He is allowed to decorate and build the attractions to generate income.

Bejeweled Blitz

Bejeweled Blitz is a puzzle game on Facebook. Bejeweled Blitz has been developed by Pop Cap and anybody can play this on his home PC.

Country Life

Country Life is another type of farming game which is slightly different from game Farm Ville. Here crops that a player harvests can be harvest for sale.

Farm Town

In this game, Farm Town, the player acquires experience points while harvesting the field. These points are good to unlock things he wants to purchase including seeds and animals.

Happy pets

In this Happy Pets, we can take care of the pets. Here the player will have to treat his pets by feeding, cleaning up or playing with them as if they are real ones.

Island Paradise

Island Paradise is the creation of Meteor Games. In this game play, the player arrives on on a isolated island where he will have to grow crops, find treasure and meet with his neighbors.

Tiki Resort

In Tiki Resort game a player creates a flourishing tourist economy on a small place cutting out a part from the ocean.

Bumper Sticker

Using any program like Adobe Photoshop which can edit images one can create an image that can be turned into a Facebook Bumper Sticker.

Bubble Island

Bubble Island is very popular and exciting game to play. It is based upon very popular arcade model which has been modified for social gaming purpose. Here a user shoots bubble-cannon which explode bubbles of similar colors to step forward through various stages.

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