Thursday, September 29, 2016





Contract: An agreement to win a certain number of tricks or points in a game or round.

Cutthroat: Each player playing on his or her own.

Deal: The act of portioning out the cards to the players; also, the period of play in the game between one deal and the next.

Declaration: A statement to fulfill a contract.

Deuce: A card of the rank of two; also called a two-spot.

Draw trumps: To lead high trumps in order to deplete opponent's hand of trumps.

Draw: To take a new card or cards.

Face card: A king, queen, or jack.

Face value: The numerical value of a card.

Flush: A set of cards all of the same suit.

Follow suit: To play a card of the suit led.

Foundation: In solitaire, a starting card on which other specific cards are played.

Game: A total number of points to achieve; also, what constitutes winning or ending a game.

Going out: Playing, melding, or discarding your final card.

Hand: The cards dealt to a player; also, the period of play in the game between one deal and the next.

Kitty: A common chip pool; also (in a few games) cards available for exchange.

Lay off: To play one or more cards according to allowable plays.

Lead: To play the first card to a trick.

Maker: A player who takes on a specific obligation, such as to take a certain number of points or tricks, often along with the right to choose the trump suit.

Marriage: A meld consisting of the king and queen.

Match: To equate by being of the same rank (or by another criterion).

Meld: A combination of cards with scoring value, generally three or more cards in sequence in one suit or all of the same rank; also, to show or play such a combination.

No-trump: The condition when no suit is trumps in a trick-taking game.

Pass: A spoken declaration not to make a bid; in Hearts, three hidden cards exchanged among the players.

Plain card: Any 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, or ace.

Pot: A pile of chips or counters to be collected by the winner.

Reserve: In solitaire, a group of cards available to be played.

Sequence: Two or more cards in consecutive order.

Singleton: A holding of only one card in a suit.

Stock: The undealt cards available for future use.

Table: The playing area; also, to lay down a meld on the playing area.

Tableau: In solitaire, the layout of cards on the playing surface, not including the foundations.

Talon: A portion of the pack reserved for later use during the deal.

Trey: A card of the rank of three, also called a three-spot.

Trick: A round of cards played, one from each player's hand.

Trump: A suit designated to be higher ranking than any other suit; any card in that suit. Also, to play a trump card on a trick.

Upcard: The first card turned up after a deal, often to begin play or initiate a discard pile.

Void: A lack of a suit in a player's hand.

Wild card: A card or cards, established before the game begins, that can be designated by the holder to stand for any other card.

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